Saturday 13 February 2016

Why is Travelling Important and How should you plan?

My Travelling Vision! 

I feel travelling is really an important part in the life of an individual. It increases our thinking capacity, and our perspective towards life to a large extent. I think travelling can boost up a person if he is not having a good time with his life. Work load, stress and other daily chores can suck all your energy in one and you start feeling that your life has become dull day by day.

When it comes to me, Yes I travel once in 3 months just to ensure I don't get fed up of living and doing same things daily. I really feel everyone should go to a cool and calm place where there is a beautiful scenery along with a taste of nature.

Which Places will I refer?

Well, this all depends on your budget and likings. 
If you are settled in India and want to get its inner beauty, Any hill station near Himalayas will work for you! The place is really calm and less populated. You can start experiencing your life beautifully! 
If you plan to go abroad, there are many countries you can travel to and before planning, search for various locations all over the world.
Beaches and Hills are the most exciting places to visit.
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh

How should you plan?

First, decide upon a location and budget. Then decide your medium of traveling and plan your holidays from office or school based on that. Deciding upon the luggage should be proper, Carry only those items you need! and also make sure you know how is going to be the weather and climate of the place you visit. And at last, Book your hotels and other miscellaneous things in advance. And Get set Go!! :)

So guys, what are you waiting for- I hope you liked the post and if you are missing the fun, Go On a Vacation!! ;) 

You may experience something different, something you may remember for rest of your life. Its never late, you can always make the rest of your life as the best of your life. You may meet somebody new, something which you had never seen. 

That feeling is just amazing when you have witnessed  it with whole of your heart. You will see a fresh beginning in your life and you will be amazed to see your results. Wait for another glow on your face. 

Utkarsh Rampal

Thursday 11 February 2016

RIP Soldier

 I pay my tribute to Hanumanthappa, the only Siachen Avalanche surviver couldn't survive! cry emoticon
I sometimes don't understand, how can god sometimes be so cruel? The whole nation was praying for him, Mahayagya, Pujas Prayers everywhere still no use?! Soldiers are legends-the true heroes of our life, Guys-If Any one of you is fed up of life, Read about stories of such bravehearts who give everything in to protect us.

Hanumanthappa is a legend. After battling for 4 days metres below the ground-he came back but could live anymore.

I pay my respect to him-Lance Naik Hanumanthappa,I respect you for your service for India, many blessings are with you- Somewhere, in God's world you will happy to see people remembering you. Ofcourse, Me atleast! You will always be in our hearts coz you were serving our country that time. A true Patriotic Indian Salutes Another one! My eyes are wet typing this but I can't help it. Rest in Peace Hero! Long live in our hearts.

You people show the true meaning of patriotism, care, bravery. We are nothing without you all Soldiers! Just a common man can't do anything for himself without you guys. 
Thank you For your service..