Thursday 11 February 2016

RIP Soldier

 I pay my tribute to Hanumanthappa, the only Siachen Avalanche surviver couldn't survive! cry emoticon
I sometimes don't understand, how can god sometimes be so cruel? The whole nation was praying for him, Mahayagya, Pujas Prayers everywhere still no use?! Soldiers are legends-the true heroes of our life, Guys-If Any one of you is fed up of life, Read about stories of such bravehearts who give everything in to protect us.

Hanumanthappa is a legend. After battling for 4 days metres below the ground-he came back but could live anymore.

I pay my respect to him-Lance Naik Hanumanthappa,I respect you for your service for India, many blessings are with you- Somewhere, in God's world you will happy to see people remembering you. Ofcourse, Me atleast! You will always be in our hearts coz you were serving our country that time. A true Patriotic Indian Salutes Another one! My eyes are wet typing this but I can't help it. Rest in Peace Hero! Long live in our hearts.

You people show the true meaning of patriotism, care, bravery. We are nothing without you all Soldiers! Just a common man can't do anything for himself without you guys. 
Thank you For your service..

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