Thursday 5 May 2016

Mafia's Crimonology : EPISODE 6!


EPISODE 6: The Deal! 

'I don't know this address, Sir. I am new here' Dawson replies.

'Not new for us, We saw you in our way 2 times. It may be a coincidence because we were travelling to the same place. Anyway, Thanks for your time. I hope we don't see you again.' the guy in black said as he returned back to his car.

Dawson went in thoughts for 5 minutes for what he should do now. He decided to go on the same address "72, Vilamir Residency, St. Petersburg."
He spotted the location on his map and turned on the ignition of his bike and managed to search any other route to the same place except the route on which the Mafia's were travelling. 

Dawson reached the location in about 25 minutes and he decided to wait a hundred steps away so he could see those cars coming. The cars arrived soon and there were 3 bigger Suitcases in the hands of the gang members. As they started moving inside the house a guy turned back but failed to notice Dawson.

As they moved inside, Dawson took some steps further and hid behind a car on the sideway so that he could manage a view from the Window but he couldn't see anything. As he moved a step closer- A bullet hit the car's window. Dawson without wasting any time, started running towards his motorbike. As he ran, Firing continued but the Bullets missed him everytime. He noticed that both the tyres of his bike were punctured. He had got his proof now and he decided to call the agency for backup related to cops. As he was dialing the number,
A short height but muscular man came and snatch his mobile phone. 
'You won't get it now. Trying to be clever eh? We asked you to stay out of our way. This is your choice now. For anything that happens to you now, You are responsible for it.' the guy said.

'I really was not going to....' As Dawson was speaking, he was hit by a metal rod from the behind which left him in unconsciousness for about 2 hours.

The next time he woke up, he was in a closed room with its walls having crack everywhere. It seemed a old and damaged place. Dawson was tied with a rope to a wooden chair. Dawson shouted 'Hey! Atleast talk to me now. I want to talk. 

He heard steady footsteps coming towards him. 2 guys entered the room, One of them was the same guy who asked the address to Dawson. 
 'Oh, this is the same guy. Man, after many warnings you are so foolish to follow us again. This will cost you now.' the two guys lifted the chair on which Dawson was sitting and carried it till the living room where 3 more people were sitting.

'Let's Introduce ourselves first to our dead or alive clever man. Jake , Michael , Gaston , Lily and Martha. We are the Cobra Universal Gang that consists of over 200 people all over the world doing business of over $3 million without getting caught even once. Drugs, Weapons , Steel- We are everywhere.' This is it. That's enough for you. Jake said.

They started discussing their deal with each other. 
'So what happened to the shipment coming from Vegas of a dozen rare edition ammo?' Martha asked.
'They are on their way, but we being here should complete the biggest ever deal of ours right now. The truck would be here anytime. We should get ready in about an hour. Michael Said.

Gaston signed Jake to get rid of  Dawson. Jake dragged Dawson in another room and  untied his feet first. Dawson hopped and held Jake's face in his legs. Dawson wasn't able to hold that position. He quickly grabbed the knife from Jake's hand and held it by his tied hand. He attempted to cut the rope and was able to do it. As Jake managed to free himself up, Dawson had his one hand open and he attacked Jake. When Jake tried to shout, Dawson was able to have a cut on his throat. As Jake fell in pain, Dawson got free and launched several punches on his face. Dawson collected everything Jake had in his pocket. Mobile Phone, Diary , Lists And a pen drive. Dawson took light footsteps and through the window of the kitchen, Ran away.

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