Saturday 20 June 2015

Review- ABCD 2

Anybody Can Dance - 2 

The movie revolves around Dance only. The dances shown are well choreographed and handled. As I talk about the acting team, everybody has acted pretty decent. Varun Dhawan's acting didn't convince me so much, he may be the lead actor in the movie but whatever it is, he didn't shine out as a great actor for that role. Shraddha's acting was good and she has done a pretty good job.

The movie is full of songs and at some point you think, where are the dialogues? There are a plenty number of songs before the interval which makes it quite boosted up for a dance freak like me, but having a story along with songs is more important. The movie also has lot many good songs to which you can dance and pump up yourself.

The story isn't quite pleasing, the entertainment ratio is decent. Neither the story is well planned nor well executed. I can't say it is disappointing as the movie isn't slow, everything goes quick and well.

I didn't like some points in the movie and some things were like you couldn't believe that what is the relevance of that in the movie and what has the script writer tried to show in that. Overall, a well tried movie by Remo D'souza and the team. I liked the first part much more than this one, but being a dance freak, I loved it too! Specially those Dance moves along with absolute stunning performances. Varun and Shraddha not even being dancers performed their best.

I rate the movie 3/5 for entertainment, dance and creating another believe in every individual-"Anybody can dance"

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