Saturday 23 April 2016

Mafia's Crimonology : EPISODE 5!

EPISODE 5: The First Face Off! 

The mechanic arrived 15 minutes after the call and took another 20 minutes which made Dawson lose his pace bad. As soon as the car was fixed, Dawson hurried his way along the highway- exceeding the speed limit. Dawson had noted the car's number plate already- The old investigating basics! He couldn't see them even after a hour of journey, he stops his car in the service lane and calls the Headquarters.

'Umm, do you guys have any more information about their location or the place where they are going?' Dawson feels embarrassed.
'How Stupid was that sir, anyways- they are travelling to St. Petersburg, about 3 hours journey from where you are. Now, go straight for another 100 miles and take the way to St. Petersburg, your co-ordinates will be sent to you through a text message. We count on you Dawson.' Mary said.

'Okay, I got it. Stay focused Dawson' Dawson speaks to himself as he sits back in the car again with the Radio on and a donut he just bought.
Dawson accelerates steadily enough keeping in mind the Speed limit this time because there could be security on the roads linking highways. Dawson received a message 10 minutes after he resumed his journey.
"Suspects spotted. They are about 20 minutes ahead of you,
Dawson-Don't mess up!. Address to be sent soon. Future Briefings- Find their location, Find the connections and get ready to bust the deal.."

This message pumped up Dawson as he had sure shot location of the suspects. In about an hour, he spotted the car at a local food court. He made sure the number plate matched. He decided to refill his car's tank until they got going. After few moments, he saw about 8 people coming out of the court and sitting in two cars which were identical. The cars started moving symmetrically. After another 100 miles, another car joined the two cars in their journey without any hault.

'Wait, three cars together- Okay I think it ain't safe to follow them with the same car of mine. I should probably follow them at a safe distance. This isn't going to be a good option but this is the last I have' Dawson speaks to himself.

At about 20 miles away from St. Peterburg, Dawson received a call from a unknown number-
"We hope you have forgotten us, And if you haven't, this is your final warning mister expert, we have seen many like you. Okay you want a challenge? The people are reaching Nevsky in St. Petersburg- Find them and we would then think you are something' The call ended.

'I have been challenged- I love them. Hardly their know i have been smarter.' 
Everyone reached St. Petersburg which made Dawson more active. The three cars stopped 2 miles away from Nevsky and everyone got down.
Dawson parked his car at a car parking and decided to rent a motorbike. Dawson observed everyone carefully.'One, two , three - he started counting.' They were 10 in total. It was a busy road so there could be no suspicion on those people. They talked for 2 minutes and then again sat back in the car. This time Dawson decided to get his motorbike near the cars as he got his helmet and guard on. They reached Nevsky and Dawson decreased his pace then.
He stopped at a Ammo shop-
'Here is my license, give me some 0.5 mm bullets along with a gun- The payment will be bought up through this card.'
'There you go sir, just make sure you don't go crazy with these crazy bullets else you would be having the police everywhere around you.' the guy replied.

The three cars stopped at a small house, Dawson noted the number
'72, Nevsky, St Petersburg'
'What's the matter with this number 72? I really need to find out if it is a part of the crime series.' Dawson thinks.
It was evening already as the people had moved to the house and Dawson took a hotel on rent in a nearby area and he updated his location to the Headquarters.
He received a message, 
"Nice Work Dawson, you will be arranged to the house no. 82 just in front of their house so you can have a watch on them. Move to the house tomorrow morning."

The next morning, Dawson moved to the house 82 which was fully furnished. Dawson without examining the beauty of the house took no time to observe the house carefully. At 11 am in the morning, everyone came out from the house. 3 ladies and 5 gents- The couple decided to stay back in the house.

Dawson took out his motorbike and started following the cars again. The cars that were moving at a steady pace suddenly slowed down. Dawson had to keep up his speed as he didn't want to get suspected.
Dawson merely overtook the cars as they again increased their speed and surrounded Dawson.

Dawson felt trouble around him, he increased his speed but the cars also increased the speed and at a point of time they overtook him again and stopped just in front of Dawson.

'Dawson, you are gone now- Foolish move of you.' Dawson regrets.
Two people come out of the car and ask Dawson
'Do you know this address?'
It read '72, Vilamir Residency St. Petersburg'.
Dawson was stunned to again notice the number 72.

Friday 15 April 2016

Review : Fan (No Spoilers) #FdFs

The much awaited movie 'Fan' released today, with Shahrukh Khan playing the lead role and directed by Maneesh Sharma. Shah rukh gives everything in when it comes to acting. The Roles of Aryan Khanna and Gaurav Chandna have been played beautifully. The Story goes well in the start with steady pace and storyline.

The movie doesn't have any song so thankfully, we didn't have any thing to divert from the main storyline. Gaurav Chandna has been shown as a fan who would cross any boundaries to meet his hero of life. When he doesn't get any response he had expected, He turns harsh and starts messing up with the same hero's life.
The first half movie is all about how Gaurav's love for Aryan could been justified. Gaurav calls himself as junior Aryan Khanna due to a similar kind of face. 

The attempt of Gaurav to defame the star eventually ends in vain and he doesn't get anything rather than more disappointment. Aryan on the other side battles its out to save the reputation and ultimately chases Gaurav until the end.

People have different opinions about both the halves. Some liked the first Some liked the second. I liked the second half more just because the story got opened much more and the battle had started now. 

"SRK Creates a Character That Will Be Remembered For Years" - Karan Johar

I would give Fan 3.5*/5. This movie is for all the Srk fans and Non Srk Fans to Enjoy. This is what you should not do when you are a fan of somebody. Limits are not been to forgotten and you should love somebody until it harms them. You should succeed in your life and make people your fan. I loved this movie and will recommend it to everyone. Go enjoy it with your family and if you still don't like the movie-"Chodh yaar, Tu Nahi Samjhega!!"

Monday 11 April 2016

Mafia's Crimonology : EPISODE 4!

EPISODE 4: Trouble Begins! 

'Okay I dont want any trouble, I am Caleb.' Dawson lies as he looks to his back.

'And, What are you doing here in this garden, I have been watching your activities since 15 minutes from the terrace of house no.72, Tell me what are you doing here else I call everybody.' the guy replied.

These lines were so good to hear for Dawson as he was almost dead if the guy was from the same gang. 
'Umm, I am from the famous TV Show Millionaire Arena and we have chosen the people of this house to participate so I am just having a quick survey whether they really deserve to be on the show' Dawson stated.

'But why them? They are so much weird people, every weirdest thing in the universe can happen in their house. Lights on the whole night, Unusual sounds and every stuff. Anyway, you carry on.' the guy said and left the place.

'That was a good clue'. Dawson walks out of the place and reaches  the headquarters at about 11 in the night.  

'Dawson, Robert has just updated that the couple is moving out in the midnight and the place is not yet known. The boss has ordered you to follow each and every step of them, you holiday from school has been granted and you are on your mission now. This is your last visit to the headquarters until you finish the mission. You have your phone, this is your backpack loaded with everything you will need on your mission. No assistant, No help you are on your own now Dawson. Here are the car keys.' Mary says to Dawson.

'Don't Worry I got it.' Dawson replies as he walks out of the room.

Dawson reaches  Forda Road at about 11:45 in the night as he waits for any action by the couple. Dawson moved his car to house no. 80 at about 12 to check out what was going on. Suddenly, Dawson spots 6 people coming out of the house with minimal luggage. Some Black bags along with some suitcases. 

There were 2 cars at the gate, which started moving minutes later. Dawson waited before he switched on the ignition so that he could keep a steady distance between them. After few moments, Dawson attempts to start the car.

'Godamn it! It's not starting now. Why me always? Dumb Car' Dawson speaks in frustration.  Dawson is approached by same guy who had spotted him near the house.

'Having trouble,eh? Maybe I should help you out.' The guy opens the front part of the car without even asking for the permission. The car starts and Dawson thanks the guy for the help he has provided.

In some time Dawson manages to get near the two cars as he knew Forda Road was just a straight road connecting the main cities so they couldn't go anywhere else. 

'They are going to travel a lot tonight maybe, so they will rest somewhere.' Dawson speaks to himself and switches on the stereo of the car. 

The cars stop at about 2:30 in the night at a local motel after covering a distance of about 150 kilometres at a steady speed. Dawson decides to stop the car with them too. 

Suddenly, Dawson spots a guy from the black car coming towards him and Dawson starts acting very casually as if he was adjusting the stereo. The guy looks inside the car and walk past to the shop besides them. Dawson thinks he has managed to save himself now.

Everybody moves to the motel whereas Dawson decides to stay in the neighbouring motel just to have a better watch on them in the morning.

At about 7 in the morning, the cars begin their journey again when Dawson, who just woke up notices them. He runs here and there and manages to get inside his car in 15 minutes thinking he could soon catch them. Dawson starts the ignition but the car doesn't start. He moves out and opens the front part of the car.

'Oh my God! the battery is dead short because it was connected to the wrong terminal, but who did this? Oh wait, Yesterday I met that guy two times and every time he trusted me on what I said. He fixed up my car- but broke it up. I saw 6 people coming out of the house rather than 7, just because the 7th one was already out of the house giving them the green signal. He planned this all since the start and would have informed them about me. What have I done now I really dont know!!' Dawson cries on his foolishness.

Dawson was dialing the number of mechanic when he receives a call from a unknown number.
'You would have got your surprise, eh? Drop your idea bro, you are nothing in front of us.' the call ends and this make Dawson feel more angry now. 

Saturday 9 April 2016

Mafia's Crimonology : EPISODE 3!

EPISODE 3:  The Case is On! 

Dawson and James haste towards the Meeting Room, where they are approached by Mary, the assistant of James Ivanov. 
'Sir, Robert has just updated about some people entering the couple's house at 73, Forda Road. Is this our time to maybe bust the deal?'
'It won't be a good idea to go and bust them without any proves. We don't even know whether they actually have a connection' Dawson interrupts.

'Dawson, it is time for your magic now. Go and find any information you can get. Just don't go messing away with any of those' James orders Mark as Mark walks out of the room.

The location was quite away from the headquarters. It was a busy road, with huge shops and supermarkets along with many pedestrians, however the houses were constructed a couple of miles away. Dawson stops the car in front of house No. 72 and he carefully starts taking steps towards the house no. 73. He suddenly notices a party going on in the house 72, and he decides to take it as an advantage. 

'Okay, Mission Briefings- Get Inside the house party, go upstairs and notice everything happening in 73.' Dawson speaks to himself. 
Dawson rings the bell to the door which is opened by a guy who is about 20 and lavishly dressed.

'Yeah Uncle, what happened?' 
'Nothing Kid, I have come here to take my daughter along.' Dawson replies.

'Oh, welcome but didn't she tell you that no parents are allowed here?'

'She did, but actually we have to leave to her uncle's house right now. '

Dawson enters the house- which is full of youngsters partying, eating and enjoying. Dawson finds the terrace and disappears to the terrace soon. 'Okay, Phase 1 completed, It's my time now!'

Dawson leans down from the balcony towards the window of the neighbouring house. He notices the branch of a tree coming out of the garden towards the terrace so he decides to hop on it. He jumps on the branch which gets stuck in the middle of his loosely fitted pant and breaks. He luckily falls in the garden with a torn out pant everybody would be so embarrassed off! 

Dawson without noticing anything else quickly starts staring inside the house very minutely and takes out his writing pad, this clearly shows Dawson still likes to follow the old pattern of investigating.
He writes about what he sees in his diary.
"9:17 P-7 People-3 ladies.
 All around the Table. 
Voices Unheard. 
Serious atmosphere."
'Wait, is that a gun? Oh here is my first evidence! Probably a mouser. But why is the bald guy holding it?
Now, firstly I should figure out who is the couple among these 7 people, 2 sitting on the chairs- 4 sitting on the couch. The chairs are wide separated and are occupied by the ladies. The other lady is sitting on the end of the couch- with her hands holding the guy besides him. So the rest 4 people are also the Mafia connections. But, I remember I had counted 7 people some time back, why i can only see 6 of them sitting here?'

'Umm, who the hell are you? And what are you doing here'? asks a guy standing behind Mark. 
'Messed up Dawson, you messed up' Dawson Speaks to himself in a low voice as he turns to his back.   

Friday 8 April 2016

Mafia's Crimonology : EPISODE 2!

EPISODE 2: The Cards are to Be Opened! 

Mark Dawson was sitting on the couch in the Cafeteria and had drunk about a couple of cups of coffee. He just couldn't think about the clue as many weird things struck him at the point of time.
'Damn, I am not able to figure out.' , Dawson speaks to himself,' Where have I kept my History.., Oh Wait! What about the Archives? Maybe the clue is all the archives of my cases that i have dug down the ground!

Dawson quickly reaches his house and enters the word A-R-C-H-I-V-E-S, and the screen shows a message "We knew you haven't lost your mettle, atleast we now know you are interested in the case, Be ready at 7 in the evening."

'But what I should I do till 7 pm now, I'm damn excited!'
Dawson switches on his television, and starts watching channels- which now seemed boring to him anyway. His eyes were repeatedly staring at the clock and it was only 4 in the clock. There was no point Dawson went searching for the archives as they were history now, and he didn't want to remember what had happened to him due to which he had to left, so ultimately- like every school teacher , he went to sleep in the afternoon and waited until it was 6 so he could get ready.

Dawson woke up at 5:30 itself, just because he couldn't sleep for much long as he had to join back his old but new job at 7 so he got ready. With those Black Sunglasses of his on, and his black cap he was ready for a signal now as the clock was about to strike 7.

A car's horn blew up at the gate, Dawson knew it his call now. He moves out of the gates and notices a black Bentley standing in front of his main gate.

'Oh really? The Agency is really weird, when I was a regular worker they sent a normal taxi and when I resigned they sent the car of one of the employees, that actually was the cheapest one. Now when they need me, I am the Boss! Oh yeah!'

This made Dawson feel like as a superstar standing amidst on a large carpet with people cheering for him. He imagines himself to be walking in slow motion. The car drives comes out and screams 'Okay enough of acting now, come we are already late.'
These lines acted as a reality check to Dawson who came out of his dreams once again.

The car arrived to the destination within half an hour.
'The Same Gate, the same location- nothing has changed in these years eh? Dawson speaks to himself
'Except me dude' the driver says to Dawson.

Dawson walks into the headquarters main building where he is welcomed by everyone he knew, specially James Ivanov, who had been the boss of Mark since he had joined. James knew how brilliant was Mark Dawson.

'Welcome Mr. Dawson, we were waiting for you, I hope you are convinced enough to resume your services now.' James speaks to Mark.

'Oh Sir, I feel really obliged to be called back for the job. These years have left me in guilty after I failed.'
Dawson replies.
'There is no failure until you give up, that was not your mistake. Anyway, history is history. We have an urgent case and everybody knows who is the best man for the job.' James sees Dawson with clever eyes.

'I'll meet you in your office sir, I want to know about the issue right now.' affirmates Dawson.

Dawson and James reach the office of James discussing about what's going on in their lives.

James opens up the door to his office and points out to a huge screen in his room and begins -
'We have been in a crisis since you left, the Agency made many failed attempts to figure out various Cases and it was high time we had to call you.
Now, this is the story of a married couple who have been suspected of having mafia connections and we have failed to figure out their activities since a month now. Something is not right but we have no evidence of it right now.'

Dawson says
'Masterminds are those who provide no clues, You should have proper surveillance over them. I know you would have installed Cctv cameras on the street but I tell you, the Agency is full of fools who underestimate these criminals, Okay suppose you walk out of your house and notice a new camera installed- you would suddenly start acting very humble, everyone would!'

'Dawson, we want you to go there and make your points and search evidences within 2 days. We know we it is a short time but it has to be done now. Our Agency suspects an activity to take place within a month now.'

Suddenly everything in the room goes red as the red light starts flashing and their appears the voice from one of the employees 'James, We have an evidence that will shock you.'

'Come Dawson- this is going to be tricky now.' James says.

Thursday 7 April 2016

Mafia's Crimonology : EPISODE 1!

EPISODE 1: INTRODUCTION : Dawson Has His Case! 

'Dawson,  it's time for you to come back.'
'It has been a long time now, I just have lost everything I had'
'A player is a player even if he retires'. And The Phone hung up. 

As Dawson had his coffee mug besides him, reading a science book but his hands were continously busy playing with his earplugs. 'Okay, I think it's the time now, I'm tired after these 5 years of not doing what I loved', Dawson stood up and walked towards the broken cabinet he had not even noticed for years now. 

Mark Dawson, Age 38 graduate in the field of Mechanics currently teaching in school since 11 years. Fond of Lawn Tennis and follows every player. Fond of Reading books, teaching and researching! Yes, a magnificient researcher he was! He could even investigate things well and bring out the end solution to any thing.  He was Divorced but visited his children once in a week. He always hid what he actually did, for everyone he was just a school teacher who taught Lessons in Physics. He used to go out in the morning at 8 sharp and return at about 2 in the afternoon. After that, he could only be seen purchasing groceries- His neighbors had a weird opinion of him. 

The reality was, he was working for the Central Agency of Russia, as the Chief Researching Operator. He worked from his home at the weekdays and went out to his office  on Sundays by a taxi. He didn't like to talk much- he could just lie on his sofa thinking resting. He had left his job 5 years back as he fell from his own eyes after he couldn't save the life of a small girl who was kidnapped and due to the mistake of his partner he went in the wrong direction of the case. 

Dawson pushes the top right drawer of his cupboard and the keys come out lying in the drawer. He picks up those keys and inserts it in the main keyhole of the cupboard and there appears a wide screen where there were some dynamic waves flashing with lot of dust around. He cleaned the cupboard and entered his password into the screen. 'D A W S O N - I S -  D E A D.' And the Screen starts blinking at a rapid speed. There appears a message, 'Welcome Back Dawson, we knew you would come back' We at the CA request you to resume your services from tommorow. The Next reply we want to see from you is that you are going to join back our organisation. The details of the new case you have to solve are attached under the column where you have to enter the password. You will require another password to open the document, we want to see how much you have left in yourself. 

'I am Ready, Bring it on sweety!'. The Screen flashed a phrase that read,

"Dawson, you could ignore your cupboard's drawers but I lie somewhere your history lies."

Dawson took a deep breath, and calmly said -
'Umm, thats good!', with this Dawson picked up his car keys, wore his traditional sunglasses and moves out of the house to his favourite Cafeteria where he could think about it. 

Here, the case is yet to be opened as Dawson has to open the Password to the Screen, What happens next will be worth watching. What will be the case CA desperately wants him to back?

Tuesday 5 April 2016

My Take : VIP Culture

We were born on this Earth equal, with the same dignity and equality. We learn values as we grow and start gaining sense, We study and the then get passionate to work and Earn Money. 

VIP Stands for Very Important Person, A person bound to be respected by all. Given Special preferences everywhere he goes. But What I think is, why the powers or just "Preferences" are given to some set of people? India's constitution is based on equality and freedom rights. So do we lack the equality when we see Politicians just giving a letter 2-3 hours before train and then travelling in the train with an instant ticket, leaving a side those people who couldn't get their Train booking cleared in a month or so.

It's getting all over the head now, People misuse their powers just for their benefits or give the source to another relative of theirs. Policemen don't find it worthy enough to stop a car who has 'VIP' or some politicial symbol attached to it. We have seen many cases where cars are being driven with sirens without even their permits. For people who have worked so hard in their life, like the Judges and all can have the sirens or so, but why to the politicians who don't even represent their party from the front? How Can we make someone a VIP who got chosen by us, is our representative. After all, he is working for us only- this is his job so why should he be given special preferences?

We should ask this question to ourself, Are we less than a VIP? NO. We are Important to Someone too- Everybody is Important. But just rather than giving any other title, its not good to Call somebody a VIP until he has done something really applaudable. Recently, I saw a car having VIP Painted Over it, Seriously? It doesn't mean that if you are prestigiously titled gives you the right to skip police checkpoints. If you are so important, then do something for the citizens who have voted you to come in the power- A Principal is not a Principal until he can handle the school well.

So, I seriously think the special preferences or extentions should be decreased or rather minimized just because they are working for us, their not the Princes or Kings of somewhere that they are being given those preferences.
