Tuesday 5 April 2016

My Take : VIP Culture

We were born on this Earth equal, with the same dignity and equality. We learn values as we grow and start gaining sense, We study and the then get passionate to work and Earn Money. 

VIP Stands for Very Important Person, A person bound to be respected by all. Given Special preferences everywhere he goes. But What I think is, why the powers or just "Preferences" are given to some set of people? India's constitution is based on equality and freedom rights. So do we lack the equality when we see Politicians just giving a letter 2-3 hours before train and then travelling in the train with an instant ticket, leaving a side those people who couldn't get their Train booking cleared in a month or so.

It's getting all over the head now, People misuse their powers just for their benefits or give the source to another relative of theirs. Policemen don't find it worthy enough to stop a car who has 'VIP' or some politicial symbol attached to it. We have seen many cases where cars are being driven with sirens without even their permits. For people who have worked so hard in their life, like the Judges and all can have the sirens or so, but why to the politicians who don't even represent their party from the front? How Can we make someone a VIP who got chosen by us, is our representative. After all, he is working for us only- this is his job so why should he be given special preferences?

We should ask this question to ourself, Are we less than a VIP? NO. We are Important to Someone too- Everybody is Important. But just rather than giving any other title, its not good to Call somebody a VIP until he has done something really applaudable. Recently, I saw a car having VIP Painted Over it, Seriously? It doesn't mean that if you are prestigiously titled gives you the right to skip police checkpoints. If you are so important, then do something for the citizens who have voted you to come in the power- A Principal is not a Principal until he can handle the school well.

So, I seriously think the special preferences or extentions should be decreased or rather minimized just because they are working for us, their not the Princes or Kings of somewhere that they are being given those preferences.
