Friday 8 April 2016

Mafia's Crimonology : EPISODE 2!

EPISODE 2: The Cards are to Be Opened! 

Mark Dawson was sitting on the couch in the Cafeteria and had drunk about a couple of cups of coffee. He just couldn't think about the clue as many weird things struck him at the point of time.
'Damn, I am not able to figure out.' , Dawson speaks to himself,' Where have I kept my History.., Oh Wait! What about the Archives? Maybe the clue is all the archives of my cases that i have dug down the ground!

Dawson quickly reaches his house and enters the word A-R-C-H-I-V-E-S, and the screen shows a message "We knew you haven't lost your mettle, atleast we now know you are interested in the case, Be ready at 7 in the evening."

'But what I should I do till 7 pm now, I'm damn excited!'
Dawson switches on his television, and starts watching channels- which now seemed boring to him anyway. His eyes were repeatedly staring at the clock and it was only 4 in the clock. There was no point Dawson went searching for the archives as they were history now, and he didn't want to remember what had happened to him due to which he had to left, so ultimately- like every school teacher , he went to sleep in the afternoon and waited until it was 6 so he could get ready.

Dawson woke up at 5:30 itself, just because he couldn't sleep for much long as he had to join back his old but new job at 7 so he got ready. With those Black Sunglasses of his on, and his black cap he was ready for a signal now as the clock was about to strike 7.

A car's horn blew up at the gate, Dawson knew it his call now. He moves out of the gates and notices a black Bentley standing in front of his main gate.

'Oh really? The Agency is really weird, when I was a regular worker they sent a normal taxi and when I resigned they sent the car of one of the employees, that actually was the cheapest one. Now when they need me, I am the Boss! Oh yeah!'

This made Dawson feel like as a superstar standing amidst on a large carpet with people cheering for him. He imagines himself to be walking in slow motion. The car drives comes out and screams 'Okay enough of acting now, come we are already late.'
These lines acted as a reality check to Dawson who came out of his dreams once again.

The car arrived to the destination within half an hour.
'The Same Gate, the same location- nothing has changed in these years eh? Dawson speaks to himself
'Except me dude' the driver says to Dawson.

Dawson walks into the headquarters main building where he is welcomed by everyone he knew, specially James Ivanov, who had been the boss of Mark since he had joined. James knew how brilliant was Mark Dawson.

'Welcome Mr. Dawson, we were waiting for you, I hope you are convinced enough to resume your services now.' James speaks to Mark.

'Oh Sir, I feel really obliged to be called back for the job. These years have left me in guilty after I failed.'
Dawson replies.
'There is no failure until you give up, that was not your mistake. Anyway, history is history. We have an urgent case and everybody knows who is the best man for the job.' James sees Dawson with clever eyes.

'I'll meet you in your office sir, I want to know about the issue right now.' affirmates Dawson.

Dawson and James reach the office of James discussing about what's going on in their lives.

James opens up the door to his office and points out to a huge screen in his room and begins -
'We have been in a crisis since you left, the Agency made many failed attempts to figure out various Cases and it was high time we had to call you.
Now, this is the story of a married couple who have been suspected of having mafia connections and we have failed to figure out their activities since a month now. Something is not right but we have no evidence of it right now.'

Dawson says
'Masterminds are those who provide no clues, You should have proper surveillance over them. I know you would have installed Cctv cameras on the street but I tell you, the Agency is full of fools who underestimate these criminals, Okay suppose you walk out of your house and notice a new camera installed- you would suddenly start acting very humble, everyone would!'

'Dawson, we want you to go there and make your points and search evidences within 2 days. We know we it is a short time but it has to be done now. Our Agency suspects an activity to take place within a month now.'

Suddenly everything in the room goes red as the red light starts flashing and their appears the voice from one of the employees 'James, We have an evidence that will shock you.'

'Come Dawson- this is going to be tricky now.' James says.

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