Monday 11 April 2016

Mafia's Crimonology : EPISODE 4!

EPISODE 4: Trouble Begins! 

'Okay I dont want any trouble, I am Caleb.' Dawson lies as he looks to his back.

'And, What are you doing here in this garden, I have been watching your activities since 15 minutes from the terrace of house no.72, Tell me what are you doing here else I call everybody.' the guy replied.

These lines were so good to hear for Dawson as he was almost dead if the guy was from the same gang. 
'Umm, I am from the famous TV Show Millionaire Arena and we have chosen the people of this house to participate so I am just having a quick survey whether they really deserve to be on the show' Dawson stated.

'But why them? They are so much weird people, every weirdest thing in the universe can happen in their house. Lights on the whole night, Unusual sounds and every stuff. Anyway, you carry on.' the guy said and left the place.

'That was a good clue'. Dawson walks out of the place and reaches  the headquarters at about 11 in the night.  

'Dawson, Robert has just updated that the couple is moving out in the midnight and the place is not yet known. The boss has ordered you to follow each and every step of them, you holiday from school has been granted and you are on your mission now. This is your last visit to the headquarters until you finish the mission. You have your phone, this is your backpack loaded with everything you will need on your mission. No assistant, No help you are on your own now Dawson. Here are the car keys.' Mary says to Dawson.

'Don't Worry I got it.' Dawson replies as he walks out of the room.

Dawson reaches  Forda Road at about 11:45 in the night as he waits for any action by the couple. Dawson moved his car to house no. 80 at about 12 to check out what was going on. Suddenly, Dawson spots 6 people coming out of the house with minimal luggage. Some Black bags along with some suitcases. 

There were 2 cars at the gate, which started moving minutes later. Dawson waited before he switched on the ignition so that he could keep a steady distance between them. After few moments, Dawson attempts to start the car.

'Godamn it! It's not starting now. Why me always? Dumb Car' Dawson speaks in frustration.  Dawson is approached by same guy who had spotted him near the house.

'Having trouble,eh? Maybe I should help you out.' The guy opens the front part of the car without even asking for the permission. The car starts and Dawson thanks the guy for the help he has provided.

In some time Dawson manages to get near the two cars as he knew Forda Road was just a straight road connecting the main cities so they couldn't go anywhere else. 

'They are going to travel a lot tonight maybe, so they will rest somewhere.' Dawson speaks to himself and switches on the stereo of the car. 

The cars stop at about 2:30 in the night at a local motel after covering a distance of about 150 kilometres at a steady speed. Dawson decides to stop the car with them too. 

Suddenly, Dawson spots a guy from the black car coming towards him and Dawson starts acting very casually as if he was adjusting the stereo. The guy looks inside the car and walk past to the shop besides them. Dawson thinks he has managed to save himself now.

Everybody moves to the motel whereas Dawson decides to stay in the neighbouring motel just to have a better watch on them in the morning.

At about 7 in the morning, the cars begin their journey again when Dawson, who just woke up notices them. He runs here and there and manages to get inside his car in 15 minutes thinking he could soon catch them. Dawson starts the ignition but the car doesn't start. He moves out and opens the front part of the car.

'Oh my God! the battery is dead short because it was connected to the wrong terminal, but who did this? Oh wait, Yesterday I met that guy two times and every time he trusted me on what I said. He fixed up my car- but broke it up. I saw 6 people coming out of the house rather than 7, just because the 7th one was already out of the house giving them the green signal. He planned this all since the start and would have informed them about me. What have I done now I really dont know!!' Dawson cries on his foolishness.

Dawson was dialing the number of mechanic when he receives a call from a unknown number.
'You would have got your surprise, eh? Drop your idea bro, you are nothing in front of us.' the call ends and this make Dawson feel more angry now. 

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